CREATINE Know All The Facts About Creatine From Muscle Growth, Avoiding Side Effects & All Benefits

CREATINE Know All The Facts About Creatine From Muscle Growth, Avoiding Side Effects & All Benefits. This Video Covers: What is Creatine? Where is Creatine found in the body? Why should I take a Creatine Supplement? What form of creatine should I take? How should I Supplement with Creatine? Will I benefit from Creatine Supplementation? Is Creatine a Steroid Hormone? Are there side effects to Creatine Supplementation?



An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! Creatine is actually well-backed by research and is considered as a very effective supplement. However, the supplement industry has created a lot of confusion by producing various forms of Creatine! Naz will Debunk the Common Creatine Myths in this 11 minute Video and give you an evidence based answers.

Creatine is a special kind of amino acid made from two common amino acids found in the protein you eat.  Creatine serves as a short-lived emergency backup to your cells energy storage molecule, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  The vast majority of energy-requiring processes inside the cell, require ATP.

When cells and the tissues they form do anything energetic (e.g. muscle contraction), this also requires ATP. When you burn calories, you are doing so to regenerate your ATP pool. When your cells are working hard and ATP levels are low, creatine acts as a portable battery charger, replenishing ATP at its own expense.

This enables your skeletal muscles to perform hard work such as sprinting or resistance training a little longer, which is something that an athlete in training is obviously looking to do. Creatine is also a key part of your pH balancing system.

Burning calories to regenerate ATP generates organic acids – a little carbonic acid in aerobic conditions and a lot of lactic acid in anaerobic conditions. The pH of tissues that periodically work very hard would be dangerously erratic without the pH balancing system. Creatine neutralises acid, again at its own  expense, to help buffer tissues against low pH.


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Creatine – What is Creatine

Creatine – What is Creatine 

Watch the Video below and other videos.

Learn more about Creatine.



You should Beetroot Juice or Arugula (Rocket) or any other Leafy Greens, which are high in Nitrates along with some Vitamin C. In your body Nitrates turn into Nitric Oxide, which has several benefits for your body! Try it for a month!


A lot of people dont know the benefits of Nitrates. Watch the Video, which will help with your Gym Gains! 

Is Beets the best Pre Workout Supplement – From a Scientific Research & Medical Point of View!

Is Beets the best Pre Workout
– From a Scientific Research & Medical Point of View!

Is Beets the best Pre Workout Supplement – From a Scientific
Research & Medical Point of View! Naz, highlights the facts and discusses
what does the current research, says about this supplement.

🎬 This video covers:

What do Nitrates do in the body?

What are the Benefits?

What do you need to eat to increase your daily intake?

How much Nitrates should you be consuming?

Any side effects?


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5 Benefits of Beetroot/ Nitric Oxide Supplement, in detail:

•             Enhances the production of ATP. ATP/ADP are best described as they energy
currencies of the cell; and their exchange rate determines how much energy we
have. The calories you burn are used to convert Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
into Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the activated form. In this state,
ATP becomes abundant and powers the physical activities of the body.  

•             Improves
blood circulation (V
asodilation makes your blood vessels expand). Greater amounts of Nitric
Oxide you have circulating, will lead to a better muscle pump.

•             Improves anaerobic and aerobic

•             Enhances
muscles recovery. Improved blood flow allows nutrients to be shuttled into the

work output by reducing fatigue.


The content provided in this video is designed to provide
helpful information on the topics discussed. This video is not intended as a
substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a doctor about
matters relating to your health, and particularly with respect to any symptoms
that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The advice provided in this
video is intended for healthy adults; you should consult your doctor to ensure
it is suitable for your individual circumstances, especially if you have any
pre-existing medical conditions.

Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth!

Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth!

Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth! Creatine is actually well-backed by research and is considered as a very effective supplement. However, the supplement industry has created a lot of confusion by producing various forms of Creatine! Naz will Debunk the Common Creatine Myths in 2 minutes and give you an evidence based answer to:

What’s the best form of Creatine?

This video covers: 

What is the Best Form of Creatine? 

Is Creatine HCL Better?

Review on all creatine forms/versions? 

Micronized Creatine  MONOHYDRATE is Best Creatine SUPPLEMENT!

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Creatine serves as a temporary emergency backup which supplies energy to the cells when ATP – the body’s main energy store – is in short supply. Unfortunately, creatine has a limited lifespan inside the cell and must be continually replaced. 

As your muscle mass increases, so does your need for creatine. To keep up with creatine production, your body ultimately uses up much of its amino acid supplies. Supplementing with creatine means that the body does not need to make it from amino acids that could otherwise be used for making new proteins, such as those found in new muscle fibres. 


The content provided in this video is designed to provide helpful information on the topics discussed. This video is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a doctor about matters relating to your health, and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The advice provided in this video is intended for healthy adults; you should consult your doctor to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.